*No funding for my thesis*
*Final test in 5 days (thursday)*
*nasty coldish and rainy winterweather*
*Visa application is out - soon nothing will stop my arrvial*
*aiming to fly out on the 8th-9th of Jan, first office day in Stellies planned for the 14th*
*RECORD: Postoffice needed 20 days to deliver a small parcel over a distance of 60 km's*
*Big Will is experiencing an endurung HIGH - thumps up man!*
*Everyone is getting married - gooood luck*
*Desurbanisation isn't counterurbanisation*
*Andreas von Seydlitz claimes to be "silent night for the rest of my life!"*
*There's 24 books from the library on my desk and a chaotic amount of papers - who put the there? Take them away! Please*
*US cliamte politics are ridiculous*
*France's politics as well*
*Not to mention Russia, Simbabwe or South Africa*

1 comment:
Danke sehr an den Autor.
Gruss Eike
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