Tuesday, 30 October 2007


So sometime I check this blogg to see if something new has been posted, as on newspaper sites or forums, only to find out every time that I am the "owner" of this blogg and the only one able to post stuff! oh well, so here's a couple of new lines to cheer me up on my next visit! ;-)

last friday I had my most important exam and guess what I did`: I was prepared ok, we got the question - 1.5 lines - which I read in a hurry, two words of the question jumped onto me and made complete sense as a question and so I answered the question with the two words. I wrote about 12 pages and 5 minutes before we had to hand the papers in I checked my neighbours Index. I read it, thought for a moment, read it again, and thought "No! NOOOOOO!". I read the question thoroughly for the first time then and noticed that what I answered doesn't really have to do anything wiht the question on the sheet. So well, panicked a bit and now I' stressed and impatient to get the result - which we'll get at the end of the year. I spoke with my professor already and now I hope something will come up so that even ion the worst case I'll be able to travel south in January.

Besides tha tnot much happened. I visited granny and grandpa on teh weekend to relax a bit and eat well but was happy again to go back to Heidelberg and start the preparations for the next test in the begining of December.
Intersting is a defect on my car. It sometimes looses it's power and doesn't accelarate anymore. When you restart it the problem is gone. So imagine doing 160 km/h, take the gear out and restart your car. Especially at night it's tricky cause you lights go off shortly. It's probably the air-flow meter.

It's cold now, aorung 7°C every day, the leaves have started falling from the trees and we have had a couple of awesome autumn days! I hope for some more so I can go and train the stress-chocolate of which I ate a lot off again.

Remarkable is Big Will's victory in teh Cape Odyssey! In 5 days he and his team partner ran 200 km cross country along the coast from Knysna (it was knysna?) to Stellenbosch. Respect my friend, good to see you are well again.

Oh ya, I'm still looking for a place to stay in Stellenbosch. So if anyone can help, there's a nice bottle of red waiting for you! ;-)

Cheers everyone!

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