Qat market in Al-Mukalla - former main port on the Red Sea
Playing at the coast of Bir Ali.
Marion and me.
Somewhere in the Tihama.
Our (Phd student) assistant Professor Leila with my hat and glasses.
Al-Mukalla (I believe)
Camping at the souther coast, close to Bir Ali.
Traditional hut (kral) in the Tihama (a costal desert) at the Red Sea. Flippen hot and humind!
(as always click on the image to enlarge - worth it!)
One of my favourites.
At a market, guy in the middle is a big fan of Hitler so he named his son Hitler!
Behind him left is a pic of the president, right a pic of Saddam Hussein!
Suq (Market) in the capital Sana'a.
Boy and his pimped bike
Mohammed Al Baidani, aka Mohammed Grosser, aka Balou, one of our amazing drivers.
In his cheek is Qat, the legal drug in the Yemen. You chew fresh leaves of the Qat tree, store them in one cheek and add more and more for about 3-4 hours. It takes tiredness and hunger away, looks disgusting and the men spend about 1/3 of the monthly household income on it.
Terrases - amzaing how intensive they use their land and with what skills.
looking pretty, too.
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