The time is coming closer and I made a plan (kind of, it's not definite yet but something one can use for orientation and preparations - me for the packing, the safa's for the party preparations ;-) ): leaving FRA on the 9th, arriving in JNB on the 10th. staying in pretoria for 2-3 days and then driving down to Ape Town/Stellenbosch. I told the people at the university that I'll be there on the 14th (monday).
I haven't got a car yet but was assured that something will be waiting for me in PTA on my arrival. If anyone happens to need a ride from Gauteng to the Cape on that weekend be my guest. I'm not keen on doing the whole trip by myself!
So people in GP and the Cape PREPARE for me, I'm looking forward to meet you!
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Friday, 21 December 2007
almost ferdig med alle eksamener for evig og alltid!!
So, the day of my last test has passed. It was a very unpleasant experience but still I went through (kinda had to though) and the result is really good. In the evening we went to the christmas market, it was flippen freezing, we had Glühwein and went to party afterwards. Yes, to party and yes, with me. Agh, it was a really cool evening with great people. Only, the morning after started with me swallowing two aspirins - 2 Glühwein and 1,5 beers, tough stuff! :-D
Now the only thing left for my degree is the thesis which I will start with in Stellenbosch at the 14th of Jan. Before I'll repeat one test to improve my mark on the 7th of Jan and then fly down to SA on the 8th-10th. All depending on if I'll have a car till then and when I get onto a flight.
Otherwise I spent the day after the exam with cleaning, doing all the admin that was waiting to be attended to, bought stuff I need for SA and also packing up my things. I'll much them to my grandmas place at the 24th but still stay in my room untill I leave to the land with the ridicoulus political farce show. Still I haven't realized how soon it is...too busy (quite a strange experience for me ;-) ).
Oh ya, the visa is through, my ticket is in my drawer...not much to stop me know. the bike decision is difficult though. would it be too much to take both? :-o
Well, merry christmas to everyone. Spend the days useful with your beloved and eat as much as you can!
Now the only thing left for my degree is the thesis which I will start with in Stellenbosch at the 14th of Jan. Before I'll repeat one test to improve my mark on the 7th of Jan and then fly down to SA on the 8th-10th. All depending on if I'll have a car till then and when I get onto a flight.
Otherwise I spent the day after the exam with cleaning, doing all the admin that was waiting to be attended to, bought stuff I need for SA and also packing up my things. I'll much them to my grandmas place at the 24th but still stay in my room untill I leave to the land with the ridicoulus political farce show. Still I haven't realized how soon it is...too busy (quite a strange experience for me ;-) ).
Oh ya, the visa is through, my ticket is in my drawer...not much to stop me know. the bike decision is difficult though. would it be too much to take both? :-o
Well, merry christmas to everyone. Spend the days useful with your beloved and eat as much as you can!
Saturday, 15 December 2007
what a waste of time
so I got my visa application back cause it was "incomplete". The conditions for visa applications seem to have changed (without any information anywhere) and you have to submit two letters from doctors that a) you are mentally sane and don't have any reoccuring deseaes and b) from a radiologist that there's no tubercolsis in you. what a bloody waste of time! I'll have to sit at the doc's office for 3-4 hours for that stuff now. I didn't need it for my visa last time...
moan moan moan
it'll only stop once my tests are taken! :-)
moan moan moan
it'll only stop once my tests are taken! :-)
nobody knows
*No funding for my thesis*
*Final test in 5 days (thursday)*
*nasty coldish and rainy winterweather*
*Visa application is out - soon nothing will stop my arrvial*
*aiming to fly out on the 8th-9th of Jan, first office day in Stellies planned for the 14th*
*RECORD: Postoffice needed 20 days to deliver a small parcel over a distance of 60 km's*
*Big Will is experiencing an endurung HIGH - thumps up man!*
*Everyone is getting married - gooood luck*
*Desurbanisation isn't counterurbanisation*
*Andreas von Seydlitz claimes to be "silent night for the rest of my life!"*
*There's 24 books from the library on my desk and a chaotic amount of papers - who put the there? Take them away! Please*
*US cliamte politics are ridiculous*
*France's politics as well*
*Not to mention Russia, Simbabwe or South Africa*
*No funding for my thesis*
*Final test in 5 days (thursday)*
*nasty coldish and rainy winterweather*
*Visa application is out - soon nothing will stop my arrvial*
*aiming to fly out on the 8th-9th of Jan, first office day in Stellies planned for the 14th*
*RECORD: Postoffice needed 20 days to deliver a small parcel over a distance of 60 km's*
*Big Will is experiencing an endurung HIGH - thumps up man!*
*Everyone is getting married - gooood luck*
*Desurbanisation isn't counterurbanisation*
*Andreas von Seydlitz claimes to be "silent night for the rest of my life!"*
*There's 24 books from the library on my desk and a chaotic amount of papers - who put the there? Take them away! Please*
*US cliamte politics are ridiculous*
*France's politics as well*
*Not to mention Russia, Simbabwe or South Africa*

Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Friday, 30 November 2007
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Sunday, 11 November 2007
digi cam results Vol. 1
So, I warned you, here's the germ's first piture show:

The view from the loo.

Maties: Vir altyd!

The obligatory selfportrait

4 towels in the bathroom. Yes, it's 2 people living here and yes, I share with a girl! ;-)

Fellow students at an itroductory course to the working world.

Sunset from the Königsstuhl (Heidelberg's mountain - 583 m)

Nice light...yes, I even took the camera with me on my ride!

Riding that bike - Ehrenfriedhof.

View from my room.

In the woods...
The view from the loo.
Maties: Vir altyd!
The obligatory selfportrait
4 towels in the bathroom. Yes, it's 2 people living here and yes, I share with a girl! ;-)
Fellow students at an itroductory course to the working world.
Sunset from the Königsstuhl (Heidelberg's mountain - 583 m)
Nice light...yes, I even took the camera with me on my ride!
Riding that bike - Ehrenfriedhof.
View from my room.
In the woods...
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
A digital camera has been given to me and you can guess what'll follow: A wave of mainly useless pictures that I find either good or funny. Apologies already now for what'll follow - I hope there's at least someone with the same humor as me.
Blame the person that made me the present! ;-)
Blame the person that made me the present! ;-)
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
So sometime I check this blogg to see if something new has been posted, as on newspaper sites or forums, only to find out every time that I am the "owner" of this blogg and the only one able to post stuff! oh well, so here's a couple of new lines to cheer me up on my next visit! ;-)
last friday I had my most important exam and guess what I did`: I was prepared ok, we got the question - 1.5 lines - which I read in a hurry, two words of the question jumped onto me and made complete sense as a question and so I answered the question with the two words. I wrote about 12 pages and 5 minutes before we had to hand the papers in I checked my neighbours Index. I read it, thought for a moment, read it again, and thought "No! NOOOOOO!". I read the question thoroughly for the first time then and noticed that what I answered doesn't really have to do anything wiht the question on the sheet. So well, panicked a bit and now I' stressed and impatient to get the result - which we'll get at the end of the year. I spoke with my professor already and now I hope something will come up so that even ion the worst case I'll be able to travel south in January.
Besides tha tnot much happened. I visited granny and grandpa on teh weekend to relax a bit and eat well but was happy again to go back to Heidelberg and start the preparations for the next test in the begining of December.
Intersting is a defect on my car. It sometimes looses it's power and doesn't accelarate anymore. When you restart it the problem is gone. So imagine doing 160 km/h, take the gear out and restart your car. Especially at night it's tricky cause you lights go off shortly. It's probably the air-flow meter.
It's cold now, aorung 7°C every day, the leaves have started falling from the trees and we have had a couple of awesome autumn days! I hope for some more so I can go and train the stress-chocolate of which I ate a lot off again.
Remarkable is Big Will's victory in teh Cape Odyssey! In 5 days he and his team partner ran 200 km cross country along the coast from Knysna (it was knysna?) to Stellenbosch. Respect my friend, good to see you are well again.
Oh ya, I'm still looking for a place to stay in Stellenbosch. So if anyone can help, there's a nice bottle of red waiting for you! ;-)
Cheers everyone!
last friday I had my most important exam and guess what I did`: I was prepared ok, we got the question - 1.5 lines - which I read in a hurry, two words of the question jumped onto me and made complete sense as a question and so I answered the question with the two words. I wrote about 12 pages and 5 minutes before we had to hand the papers in I checked my neighbours Index. I read it, thought for a moment, read it again, and thought "No! NOOOOOO!". I read the question thoroughly for the first time then and noticed that what I answered doesn't really have to do anything wiht the question on the sheet. So well, panicked a bit and now I' stressed and impatient to get the result - which we'll get at the end of the year. I spoke with my professor already and now I hope something will come up so that even ion the worst case I'll be able to travel south in January.
Besides tha tnot much happened. I visited granny and grandpa on teh weekend to relax a bit and eat well but was happy again to go back to Heidelberg and start the preparations for the next test in the begining of December.
Intersting is a defect on my car. It sometimes looses it's power and doesn't accelarate anymore. When you restart it the problem is gone. So imagine doing 160 km/h, take the gear out and restart your car. Especially at night it's tricky cause you lights go off shortly. It's probably the air-flow meter.
It's cold now, aorung 7°C every day, the leaves have started falling from the trees and we have had a couple of awesome autumn days! I hope for some more so I can go and train the stress-chocolate of which I ate a lot off again.
Remarkable is Big Will's victory in teh Cape Odyssey! In 5 days he and his team partner ran 200 km cross country along the coast from Knysna (it was knysna?) to Stellenbosch. Respect my friend, good to see you are well again.
Oh ya, I'm still looking for a place to stay in Stellenbosch. So if anyone can help, there's a nice bottle of red waiting for you! ;-)
Cheers everyone!
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
stressed out
It's flippen freakin' me out! well, not that much actually but I am very tensed - In three days my probably most important exam has to be written and I am anything but prepared well! geez, and who could understand that even now with only very little time left, I take it easy and use every moment to distract myself from studying?
Well, exam is Friday morning, we'll go for booze right after and thne I can start preparing for the next test, probably begining of Decembre. Only then I'll get my result from this written test so the excitement will stay....
cheers, the germ
Well, exam is Friday morning, we'll go for booze right after and thne I can start preparing for the next test, probably begining of Decembre. Only then I'll get my result from this written test so the excitement will stay....
cheers, the germ
Friday, 12 October 2007
Yemen pics cont'd
Qat market in Al-Mukalla - former main port on the Red Sea
Playing at the coast of Bir Ali.
Marion and me.
Somewhere in the Tihama.
Our (Phd student) assistant Professor Leila with my hat and glasses.
Al-Mukalla (I believe)
Camping at the souther coast, close to Bir Ali.
Traditional hut (kral) in the Tihama (a costal desert) at the Red Sea. Flippen hot and humind!
(as always click on the image to enlarge - worth it!)
One of my favourites.
At a market, guy in the middle is a big fan of Hitler so he named his son Hitler!
Behind him left is a pic of the president, right a pic of Saddam Hussein!
Suq (Market) in the capital Sana'a.
Boy and his pimped bike
Mohammed Al Baidani, aka Mohammed Grosser, aka Balou, one of our amazing drivers.
In his cheek is Qat, the legal drug in the Yemen. You chew fresh leaves of the Qat tree, store them in one cheek and add more and more for about 3-4 hours. It takes tiredness and hunger away, looks disgusting and the men spend about 1/3 of the monthly household income on it.
Terrases - amzaing how intensive they use their land and with what skills.
looking pretty, too.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
a bit of South African history...
around 1700 in what is today Cape Town
"On her wedding night she [Elizabeth] walked in on her husband [Willem Menssink] having sex with the slave woman Susanna. [...] It was the beginning of Willem's many, and sometimes bizzare, tricks and cover-ups. The next time Elizabeth caught him with Susanny, he pretended to be beating her. When she caught himwith two slave women in the stables, he explained that they were stealing and he wa smerely chasing them. But then Elizabeth woke up one night to find Susanna in bed with her and her husband. This time Willem was short of a quick excuse, so he lay absolutely still, drooling from the mouth pretending to be mad. Another time, discovered having sex in teh attic, he put a basket over his head and ran off, later denying that is was him."
Max du Preez: Of warriors, lovers and prophets. Unusual stories from South Africa's past.
"On her wedding night she [Elizabeth] walked in on her husband [Willem Menssink] having sex with the slave woman Susanna. [...] It was the beginning of Willem's many, and sometimes bizzare, tricks and cover-ups. The next time Elizabeth caught him with Susanny, he pretended to be beating her. When she caught himwith two slave women in the stables, he explained that they were stealing and he wa smerely chasing them. But then Elizabeth woke up one night to find Susanna in bed with her and her husband. This time Willem was short of a quick excuse, so he lay absolutely still, drooling from the mouth pretending to be mad. Another time, discovered having sex in teh attic, he put a basket over his head and ran off, later denying that is was him."
Max du Preez: Of warriors, lovers and prophets. Unusual stories from South Africa's past.
Friday, 5 October 2007
What's new?
So I decided to do my own blogg to keep everyone updated. Initially it was thought for once I'm back in Stellenbosch but I'll see if I can put a few things up here about what's happening in my life.
That won't be much since all I'll do for the rest of the year is studying. I have two BIG exams left before I can move out of my place and travel to South Africa in January. There everything si set with Stellenbosch University where I was very friendly received from Professor Harms at the Mechanical Engineering Department when I told him I'd like to do my Thesis there. Roughly I'll do research on the public acceptance of Renewable Energies in SA. The thesis question as well as my procedure will be specified when I arrive in Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch just recently opened an Institute for Renewable and Sutainable Energy Studies which is linked to the mechanical engineering so I've been told that I can have close contacts to this Institute. I'm look
ing forward to the time ther and the challenge.
The Yemen
(click on the pic enlaaarges the image!)

At 11 August we came back from a three week field trip in the Yemen. We were 18 Students + 2
Professors, PhD Student and the wife of one of our professors. The time there generally was very good! The country is beautiful in the same way Namibia is beautiful, only different ;-) It's very dry in mos tparts of the country, incredible humid in the coastal areas, but barren. The highlands and plateaus were friendlier for agriculture, so were the slopes rising from the flat coastal areas up to the plateaus. The people there suprised us with an kindness I have never experienced before and we felt very welcome. Well. a couple of days we had military "protection" by guys who obviously enjoyed their opportunity to boss their fellow citizens around and p
ushed them out of our way which didn't make us their best friends but it wasn't our fault and the soldiers didn't want to listen.
I've sweated as never before! On some days I darnk 7 litres of water and still felt thirsty.
The country is beautiful, go and visit the Yemen! Oh, well, not my American friends though - you aren't "welcome to the Yemen"!

Now I'm back at my desk studying. It's getting fault here slowly - lovely! I really enjoy that. Did my 2nd bike ride today since I'm back (yaya, I know, went for runs more often in the past weeks) and the weather was just perfect. The first leaves are falling down and the late afternoon was shining.
I'm still prostituting myself at the train station (working at an "outdoor" store there) but only three more months are left - puh!
That's it for now....
mooi bly!
That won't be much since all I'll do for the rest of the year is studying. I have two BIG exams left before I can move out of my place and travel to South Africa in January. There everything si set with Stellenbosch University where I was very friendly received from Professor Harms at the Mechanical Engineering Department when I told him I'd like to do my Thesis there. Roughly I'll do research on the public acceptance of Renewable Energies in SA. The thesis question as well as my procedure will be specified when I arrive in Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch just recently opened an Institute for Renewable and Sutainable Energy Studies which is linked to the mechanical engineering so I've been told that I can have close contacts to this Institute. I'm look
The Yemen
(click on the pic enlaaarges the image!)
At 11 August we came back from a three week field trip in the Yemen. We were 18 Students + 2
Professors, PhD Student and the wife of one of our professors. The time there generally was very good! The country is beautiful in the same way Namibia is beautiful, only different ;-) It's very dry in mos tparts of the country, incredible humid in the coastal areas, but barren. The highlands and plateaus were friendlier for agriculture, so were the slopes rising from the flat coastal areas up to the plateaus. The people there suprised us with an kindness I have never experienced before and we felt very welcome. Well. a couple of days we had military "protection" by guys who obviously enjoyed their opportunity to boss their fellow citizens around and p
I've sweated as never before! On some days I darnk 7 litres of water and still felt thirsty.
The country is beautiful, go and visit the Yemen! Oh, well, not my American friends though - you aren't "welcome to the Yemen"!
Now I'm back at my desk studying. It's getting fault here slowly - lovely! I really enjoy that. Did my 2nd bike ride today since I'm back (yaya, I know, went for runs more often in the past weeks) and the weather was just perfect. The first leaves are falling down and the late afternoon was shining.
I'm still prostituting myself at the train station (working at an "outdoor" store there) but only three more months are left - puh!
That's it for now....
mooi bly!
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
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